What year were you established: 1980
Specific Breed of Animal: Alpine, Saanen & LaMancha Dairy Goats
Organic(certified or organic practices): NA
100% Grass-Fed: Certified Grass Fed by A Greener World
If 100%, what types of grass: Mixed Pasture and weeds along with alfalfa hay.
Where does your feed come from: Grown on Farm
Non-GMO: Yes
Soy Free: Yes
Antibiotics used?: Only in emergency cases to save lives.
If yes, how long do the animals with antibiotics used stay out of the milking process or quarantined from the other part of the herd: Two times the label suggestion/requirement.
What type of things do you do to create a low-stress environment for your animals: Provide spacious living quarters with fresh water and food.
Any type of technology used that differs from a normal farm: Our milking parlor was built specifically for our goats with comfort on the animals in mind. We have rubber mats for them to stand on while being milked and we have toys for them to play with in the pasture. Because Goats just wanna have fun!
A2: All Goat Milk is A2. With that in mind not all goat milk is best suited for drinking. We have purchased our males to test for this gene specifically so that we will continue to produce animals that will produce the best milk for those who cannot drink cow’s milk.
Free Range: Yes
Anything else you can tell us about what you do specifically on your farm that makes you stand out or that you do differently?: We are the only Certified Grass Fed Goat Dairy in WA offering fluid milk for the sole purpose of helping those who can’t tolerate traditional dairy products. We are also certified by A Greener World as Animal Welfare Approved and 100% Grass Fed.